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for orchestra
date: 1997
duration: 8'
first performance: 23 April 1997; Carnegie Music Hall, Pittsburgh, PA; Carnegie Mellon Philharmonic; Juan Pablo Izquierdo, conductor
availability: rental | perusal score
recording: non-commercial
detailed orchestration: 2.picc(=afl).3(III=cor A).3(III=bcl).2 – – timp – 3perc: xyl/BD;tam-t/SD/lg susp.cym/mtl.wind chimes;
vib/tam – hp – pf – str
sam-sa-ra (sem-sär’e) noun
Hinduism & Buddhism.
The eternal cycle of birth, suffering, death, and rebirth.
[Sanskrit samsârah, course of life, samsara : sam, together + sarati, it flows.]
Although I have found many, slightly different meanings for the word samsara,
all definitions seem to carry a negative connotation, as the word always seems to
imply a state of despair. It is created when the posing of questions leads to nothing
but more questions that begin a vicious cycle of confusion that is ultimately never
resolvable. In this sense, samsara is the polar opposite of its counterpart word, nirvana.