Soundtrack for a Short Western
electro-acoustic music on recorded media
date: 2003
duration: 5'
first performance: 13 November 2003; Eyebeam Gallery, New York, NY; heard as part of 1.1 Acre Flat Screen, by the e-team
availability: audio playback
recording: non-commercial
detailed orchestration: several guitar tracks, 2 alto recorders, djembe, appalachian dulcimer, egg shaker, jews harp, voice, MIDI strings and percussion
If using Safari and the player doesn't work, try clicking in the waveform of the player window.
I created Soundtrack as background music for part of a video project by the e-team, an artist duo comprising Hajoe Moderegger and Franziska Lamprecht. The piece, called 1.1 Acre Flat Screen, is a project involving real estate auctions, land surveying, wild west style adventure, train heists with remote control helicopters, convenience store entrepreunership, and other seemingly incompatible activities. To find out more about the piece, visit the e-team's site here.